Curly paper poppies
These really cute poppies can be made so easily from red paper and a small piece of tissue paper.
What you need
You simply need a sheet of red paper, and a small bit of black tissue paper, scissors a pencil and glue.
Draw the template shapes
First you need to draw the template shapes out on red paper. You can copy the shapes drawn out in the picture below. One sheet of paper will make two poppies.
An easy way to do this is to take a ruler and draw four lines from the edge to the centre, as if you were drawing a cross but leave the middle out. Then you can draw in the curved shapes on the outside. Once you have drawn the shapes, cut them out. Where the lines come into the centre you can also make a cut as this will be where you curl the petals.

Curl and glue your petals
Next take each petal shape and curl it over so the point of the petal is glued into the centre, like in the pictures below.

Finally scrunch up a small piece of black tissue paper and glue it to the centre. Voila! There is your finished poppy. If you want you can tape a safety pin to the back and wear it as a poppy badge for Remembrance Sunday.

Poppies made from hearts
This next way of making poppies from paper is a simple as it gets – it is made with love hearts!
What you need
You simply need a sheet of red paper, and a bit of black tissue paper, scissors a pencil and glue.
Draw some hearts
Take your red paper and draw heart shapes on it. You can make use of all the space like you can see in the picture below! Once you are happy with them, cut them out. You will need 4 hearts for one poppy.

Glue them together
To make your poppy you simply glue four of the hearts together with the points at the centre, like in the picture below. You can then make the black poppy centre by creating a round shape from black tissue paper and gluing it to the centre. Another fantastic paper poppy!

Make a paper plate poppy
The last way is to make a large poppy, to decorate your house or school, from a paper plate.
What you need
You will need a paper plate, a cupcake case, a pencil, glue, scissors and then some black and red paint.
Create your shapes
To make your poppy shape from the paper plate turn your plate over, and on the back draw four triangle shapes to make ‘petals’ from what is left behind. Then cut them out, like in the picture below. For the centre of the poppy, take your cupcake case and snip down the concertina folds to make it look like poppy stamen.

Paint your pieces
Next paint your pieces. You want the centre piece (the cupcake holder) to be black and the poppy to be painted red. Once dry, you can then glue the middle to the paper plate and there you have it – a really impressive paper plate poppy!

That’s it! Please share your creations with us by posting on social media and tagging us in!